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Java page with popular questions

Popular questions:

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8.Explain type casting with an example. 
9.Describe with example the way of designing and importing a package in a class.  
10.Explain any five String class functions with an example. 
11.What is an exception? How do we define a try and a catch block? 
12.List and explain some of the most common types of exception that might occur in java. 
13.Write a program in java that reads a statement from user convert it into uppercase and print the output. 
14.Create a package Math with methods Sum (int a, int b) to print sum of two numbers, and Div (int a, int b) to print division of two numbers. Write a program to implement package Math. 
15.What is a thread? Describe the complete life cycle of a thread. 
16.Explain any five String Buffer class functions with an example. 
17.Explain interface with an example. 
18.Discuss the various levels of access protection available for packages. 
19.What is a stream class? Write classification of stream classes. 
20.Write a java program to read a string and count number of vowels from the string. 
21.Write a note on Random Access File in java. 
22.Explain the following file methods with an example:
A. canWrite ()
B. length ()
C. mkdir ()
D. getName ()
E. isDirectory ()
F. setReadOnly ()
G. canRead ()
H. delete ()
I. exists () 
23.Write a program to count number of characters, words and lines in a file. 
24.Write a program to create a random access file that could store details of five employees. 
Details include employee number, name, department and salary.
25.Write a note on Reader and Writer Classes. 
26.What is a queue? Explain types of queue. 
27.Write a program to duplicate content of an array. 
28.Explain properties of an array. 
29.Write an algorithm for sequential search in an array. 
30.Write a program in java to perform push and pop operation of stack. 
31.Write a program to implement linear queue. 
32.Define stack. Explain push and pop operation of stack. 
33.Write an algorithm to search an element in linked list. 
34.Write an algorithm to insert a new node into linked list. 
35.Write an algorithm for creation of binary search tree. 
36.What is traversing? Explain various tree traversing methods. 
37.Write an algorithm for bubble sort(Selection sort). 
38.Write an algorithm for insertion sort. 
39.Write a short note on heap. 
40.Write a program in java to implement warshall algorithm. 
41.Define graph, Explain completed graph with an example. 
42.Write an algorithm for graph traversal using DFS method. 
43.Write an algorithm for graph traversal using BFS method. 
44.Explain the following types of graph:
a. Connected graph
b. Directed and undirected graph
c. Simple graph and multi-graph
d. Weighted and un-weighted graph.
e. Complete graph


  1. Glad to know, it was useful
    I'll post Advance java concepts soon...


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