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How to use Automount services?

70.How to use Automount services?
1. autofs is used for automatic mounting of NFS exports when the file system is first accessed.

2. autofs uses the automount daemon to mount and unmount.

3. autofs uses a set of map files to control automounting.

4. The master map file i.e. /etc/auto.master, associates mount points with the secondary map files.
The secondary map files in turn control the file system mounted under the corresponding mount points.
For example consider the following
/etc/auto.master autofs configuration file:
 /media /etc/auto.home
/var /etc/auto.var -timeout 600
This file associates the secondary map file /etc/auto.home with the mount point /home and the map file /etc/auto.var with the /var mount point

5. Each entry in /etc/auto.master, refer to as master map files, and consist of at least two and possibly 3 fields:
1st field is the mount point.
2nd field identifies the full path to the secondary map file that controls the map point.
3rd field is optional, consist of options that control the behavior of the automount daemon.

6. The secondary map files defines the mount options that apply to the file system mounted under the corresponding directory.


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