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Software Engineering page with popular questions

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7.What is a critical system? Describe the types of a critical systems. 
8.What is CASE? Write about any two CASE tools which aid in Software Engineering process. 
9.Describe the design and testing phase of software development life cycle. 
10.What is a prototype model? Illustrate with a diagram. 
11.Write about the disadvantages of a waterfall model. 
12.Write about the various responsibilities a project manager should handle. 
13.Describe the Unified process of software development. Write about the best practices it follows. 
14.Distinguish between functional and nonfunctional requirements of software. 
15.Illustrate the process of risk identification with the help of a risk table. 
16.Describe the stages of spiral model. Distinguish it from the incremental model of software development. 
17.Describe the tools used to reduce risk during software development. 
18.Illustrate incremental model with a diagram. Write about its advantages over the waterfall model. 
19.Describe the process how the schedule of a project can be planned with a Gantt chart. 
20.Describe the techniques of observation and survey which helps in gather requirements during the early stage of SDLC. 
21.Explain legal and operational feasibility. 
22.What is feasibility study? Describe the types of feasibility studies available. 
23.Explain the rules of drawing a context diagram. Illustrate the symbols used in DFD. 
24.Write a short note on technical and economic feasibility. 
25.Write about the do’s and don’ts of a Data flow diagram (DFD). 
26.Write the characteristics of a language processing system. 
27.Write the characteristics by which the user interface can be evaluated. 
28.Explain the meaning of the terms Cross functional and self-organizing with respect to agile modeling. 
29.Write the characteristics of agile development. 
30.Illustrate with examples resource allocation and Event processing system. 
31.Discuss the different styles of interaction available in user interface design. 
32.Distinguish between data processing system and transaction processing system. 
33.Explain the characteristics of Graphical User Interface
34.List the drawbacks of RAD model. 
35.Describe the core values of Extreme programming. 
36.What is a component? Write the advantages of COM technology. 
37.Differentiate between verification and validation. 
38.Write short notes on alpha and beta testing. 
39.Explain the advantages and disadvantages of component based software engineering. 
40.Write a short note on the types of white box testing. 
41.What is CBSE? Write the advantages of COM technology. 
42.Distinguish between white box and black box testing. 
43.What is meant by the term misuse cases? Discuss its types. 
44.What is size oriented metrics? Illustrate with an example. 
45.Discuss the levels of protection which should be implemented in quality software. 
46.What is a service? Explain the benefits of service oriented architecture. 
47.What is security engineering? Describe the different phases of security management. 
48.What is function oriented metrics? How it is used to calculate the effort required for software development. 
49.Write the characteristics of a web service.


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