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Explain Network file system (NFS).

55.Explain Network file system (NFS).
1. NFS is the most common method used to share file over Linux and UNIX operating system.

2. It enables local access to remote disks and file system in a distributed manner.

3. If it is properly designed and implemented then it operates transparently to client using remote file systems.

4. It is possible that NFS clients are available for many non-UNIX operating systems, including the various windows, Solaris, Mac etc.

5. Even the files dispersed geographically, NFS provides easy sharing services of connection exist.

6. NFS follows standard client-server architecture.

7. The NFS contains all those file systems that user wants to share along with daemon by making them visible.

8. This way of sharing file NFS is called as NFS exports.

9. The NFS server daemons provide remote access to the expected file system, enabling file locking over the network and allows to enable disk quotes on the NFS exports.

10. On the client side, on NFS client simply mounts the expected file system locally. The mounted file system is known as NFS mount.

11. NFS is often used to provide disk less clients, such as X terminals or the client in the network, with their entire file system, including the kernel image and other boot files.


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