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What is GNU project?

3.What is GNU project?
1. The Linux community (together with others) supports the concept of free software, that is, software free from restrictions, subject to the GNU General Public License (the name stands for the recursive GNU’s not UNIX).
2. Although there may be a cost involved in obtaining the software, it can thereafter be used in any way desired and is usually distributed in source form.
3. The free software foundation was setup by Richard Stallman, the author of GNU Emacs, one of the best-known text editors for UNIX and other systems.
4. Stallman is a pioneer of free software concept and started the GNU project.
5. An attempt to create an operating and developing environment that would be compatible with UNIX, but not suffer the restrictions of the proprietary UNIX name and source code.
6. GNU may one day turn out to be a very different from UNIX in the way it handles the hardware and manages running programs, but it will still support UNIX-style applications.
7. The GNU project has already provided the software community with many applications that closely mimics those found on UNIX systems.
8. All these programs so-called GNU software are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
9. This license embodies the concept of ‘copyleft’ (A takeoff on copyright), copyleft is intended to prevent others from placing restrictions on the use of free software.
10. Example:
GCC: the GNU compiler collection, containing the GNU C compiler.

G++: A C++ compiler


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